7 Ways to Restore Your Entrepreneur Mojo

7 Ways to Restore Your Entrepreneur Mojo

I just got back from a week-long vacation (to Boulder, Colorado and Santa Fe, New Mexico – it was freaking magical) and have been in a very slow-moving state this week. Like, feeling like my feet are moving through molasses. I haven’t been inspired to write my normal...
Toxic Positivity and Manifesting

Toxic Positivity and Manifesting

There’s been stuff coming up lately on the socials about someone pretty famous. I don’t know enough about it, but I was still kind of triggered because I can easily see how things that I love to talk about (manifesting, magic, alternate realities) can easily...
6 Tips for Getting Clients

6 Tips for Getting Clients

Let’s start with something that is hopefully obvious: none of us got into this business of helping and serving others in order to “get” more clients. We’re here to help others. And the more we can remember that, and step into knowledge that focusing on the feelings of...

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