
I don’t like to use words like “mistakes”. Because really, I don’t believe in mistakes or failure.

So this list is more like: 5 Things You Might Want to Tweak in Your Manifesting Efforts. But that wouldn’t have sounded nearly as exciting.

(You might want to print this one out, btw.)

1. Doing TOO MUCH manifesting work. Yes, it’s possible, and sometimes doint too much manifesting can put us in back into our patterns of hard work and effort, only this time, it’s around the outcome we’re trying to create. Stop trying so hard! Just see it as already here and feel how that feels.

2. Trying to manifest an outcome that doesn’t actually excite you. This usually shows up when we’re trying to manifest income goals that sound really cool, but they aren’t what we truly desire. If that feels true for you, then give your attention instead to what you’re planning to spend that money on. Feel how good it feels to pay off that credit card, or to invest in yourself with a new mentor, or to hire some help at home.

3. Focusing on the “middle” instead of the actual end outcome you desire. For instance, you might be focused on getting likes and comments on your posts instead of what you actually wish to happen, like getting a new client and delivering amazing results with them. When you do your vision work, actually see the end result that you desire, not that middle result.

4. Trying to figure out the HOW. The universe has an infinite number of ways to bring the thing/money/experience/way of being to you. That’s not your job. Instead, take the next best step towards the thing and continue to surrender and let go.

5. Not taking aligned action. These need to be actions that you have downloaded from the energy of the outcome.

6. BONUS mistake: Not working on your underlying belief systems. (You knew I was going to go there, right?) Look, this one isn’t an absolute…you can absolutely claim what you desire without ever working on a single limiting belief. However, the reason I do the work of helping people to release the subconscious and ancestral shiz holding them back is because the process of creating your new reality gets super-charged when you do this work. As my Type A friend said, “Oh, you do it so that the money comes faster.” Um, yeah. And all of the other juiciness of expansion and joy and fun and soul work, too.

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