
We’ve all been there. We’ve all felt the dreaded “blank page” feelings when we think about posting on social. We start to think things like, “But everyone else has already said this.” Or even, “But I’ve already said all of this before.”

I highly encourage really writing out those beliefs so that you can see them for yourself, and then gently allowing them to be released from your body. And also, you might like to try some of the below tools in order to step back into flow and fun around your content.

  1. Make being “a person who posts” part of your identity. If you want to be a person that writes two blog posts every week, or 5 social media posts , or 5 reels every week, then claim that as part of your identify. I.e. “I am a person who writes two blog posts every week.” Write this out, claim it, know it, until you wake up one day and ARE that woman who is writing two blog posts every week.
  2. Schedule time for your content creation. Someone said, “I wait for inspiration to strike me. Luckily, she seems to strike every day between 9 and 12.” Because, strangely, when you schedule time for your creative juices to follow, it actually allows for inspiration to come through. The structure creates the freedom.
  3. Create a list of possible posts that you can keep coming back to. I keep a notebook on hand for this, but you can also just use your phone. (I’m old school. Or maybe just old. I like paper.) Whenever I’m feeling uninspired, I look back at the list.
  4. Tune in and ask God/Source/Universe: what do people most need to know from me today? Journal around that question for a few moments, and allow whatever the answer is to come forth. Know that it’s exactly the right thing, and that you don’t need to edit whatever comes out.
  5. Know that you don’t need to do anything at all in order to still create that next level of income, despite what the gurus on the interwebs will tell you. It’s possible to create more income in your business, right now, without ever writing another blog post or posting on the socials again. So know that you get to (not “have to”) write a post if you feel like it, but your worth, your value, and yes, even your financial situation is never determined by how much content you put out there.

Know you’ve got some more mindset blocks that you’d like to shift? Check out my deeply supportive course for entrepreneurs to release mindset blocks, Tapping Into Success. We work on our beliefs around all aspects of your business, including one module entirely devoted to releasing fears and blocks around growing your social media.

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