
Who am I to even ask for more? Isn’t that selfish, greedy? I can’t have it better than I already do.

Those are the thoughts that went through my head last week, when I was deep in gratitude for the amazing life I have – location independent, six figure income, soul work I love, able to do the things I love without thinking too much about the costs.

But those thoughts still came up.

Maybe you recognize these beliefs, too:

  • We can only have so much happiness.
  • We can only have so much money.
  • We can’t have more, because others have less.
  • The other shoe is going to drop.
  • Don’t get your hopes up.
  • It only gets to be this good, not better than this.
  • I’m going to have to work really hard to get more than this.

And those are beliefs that have to be released in order to create your next level of happiness + abundance. Because you deserve more of all good things, no matter what you already have in your life.

But when you don’t believe that on a subconscious level, then you might see these patterns happening…

  • Not pushing yourself further when you’ve already hit your income goal for the month.
  • Giving up on income goals at all.
  • Procrastination.
  • Forgetting to do the important things.
  • Lack of clarity.
  • Creating issues in our primary relationships when things are going well in business.

The work is NOT in never having these patterns or beliefs come up again. The work is in catching them faster, recognizing them sooner, moving through them faster, and then coming back to center, over and over and over again.

But, um, how, right? How do you release them?

  1. Know that the belief WILL pop up again, like an annoying whack-a-mole, each time you stretch yourself for your next income level or next level of joy or next level of anything. That’s normal. That’s how our mind works.
  2. Recognize the belief that is operating. It might be one of the beliefs listed above, or a slightly different version. But you have to actually catch the little f-er and see it in your own mind. Youc an simply journal around the question, “Why don’t I deserve to be at the next level?” and see what comes up for you.
  3. Release the belief on a somatic level. My favorite way to do this work is actually through EFT/Tapping, though there are many methods or modalities that work. One quick hack is to take each belief, notice where they sit in your body, and then ask it to release.
  4. Journal in a new belief. Name what you would like to see happening in your world. So for money, that might be something like, “I am easily creating at least $XXX in my business every month.

That’s it! Let me know if this was helpful to you in the comments!

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