
There’s been stuff coming up lately on the socials about someone pretty famous. I don’t know enough about it, but I was still kind of triggered because I can easily see how things that I love to talk about (manifesting, magic, alternate realities) can easily turn into toxic positivity.

For instance, I absolutely believe that your thoughts can change your reality. However, that concept could easily become a papering-over of the very realities of many people on our planet, as in, “You just didn’t think good enough thoughts. That’s why you are where you are.”

That kind of talk ignores the very real sexism, racism, able-ism, and all the isms that we have in our cultures, and can even seem to say something like, “It’s up to you, individual, to get out of this mess that we’ve created in our capitalist society.”

And that’s not okay for me. Manifesting doesn’t mean that we ignore what someone is struggling with, or in any way create an energy of blame or shame for others.

In fact, my clients would tell you that our sessions are hard work, precisely because we are processing through what’s hardest, stickiest, and yuckiest for them. For my Black clients, this can often be their very real, lived experiences of racism. This shit is real. We are not going to paper over that reality, people.

And, at the same time, I’m a huge fan of visioning in a new reality. I’m a huge fan of choosing thoughts that feel better. I’m a huge fan of living from a new vision.

Does that mean that we don’t name what’s hard and true for us? Of course not. Name all of it. Process through all of it. Get support.

And then, my friend, be in the vision of what you DO want to see in your world. That might feel like we are “ignoring” our current reality. But in reality, what we need to do is here is to no longer give energy to things in our current reality that we don’t like, and only give energy to the things that we do like.

That might seem to contradict what I just wrote, and I can only say this: there is a space we can all find between acknowledging how hard things are, and at the same time, calling in the vision of what you desire, both for yourself or the planet.

This space? It’s gray. It’s hard to name. It’s hard to stand in it. But nothing new was created on this planet without visioning in a new reality and kind of “ignoring” your current reality.

When you started your business, you probably didn’t have 20 clients signed up and ready to go. Instead, you believed in the vision of a successful business, and you acted from that space.

Maybe you got your business cards or built your website, without ever knowing if you would have a single client. That, my friends, is how you live from the vision.

And we aren’t going to find solutions to our real problems without focusing on a world where all of our -isms are gone, either.

Again, I know this is really sticky. And I know this message is coming from a white woman in the United States who has been given many, many privileges (not the least of which is the color of my skin.)

But I hope that you are able to find a place that allows you to know that yes, you absolutely get to name what’s hard for you, and then, yes, you also absolutely get to call in what you desire for your life and business.

Perhaps you can even choose to see that manifesting is actually about love. Love for ourselves, love for others on this planet, and love for the Divine. Manifesting means that we are continually stepping into our highest vision for ourselves, and hopefully that includes being the best version of ourselves on all levels – spiritually, mentally, physically, in our relationships, etc.

For many people, this vision also includes financial freedom or wealth. So if what you desire is more money in your business, yes, freaking absolutely name what’s true and real and hard for you around money.

And then, if you choose to, if you would like to manifest something new, then choose to live in the vision of the money already being here. What would you be doing differently if the money had already shown up? How would you act? How would you feel? What is that version of you, the one who already has the money, doing differently? Who are you when you have that financial freedom? And how can you step into that, just a little bit, today?

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