
Let’s start with something that is hopefully obvious: none of us got into this business of helping and serving others in order to “get” more clients. We’re here to help others. And the more we can remember that, and step into knowledge that focusing on the feelings of love and joy and fun in our businesses is what will attract those super ideal clients, the better.

1.Claim who you really want to work with.

You have to start defining who you really, truly want to work with. If you could really claim that ideal client, who would she be? 

Questions to ask: 

  • What is her energy like? 
  • What would you LOVE to have her energy be? 
  • Are their certain interests/industries/demographics that you would love to work with, but have been holding yourself back from working with her? 

And is she also…

  • Soooo ready to work together? 
  • Shows up ready to pay in full  (YES you deserve that) 

And of course, the MORE you can open up to the energy of the person you really want to work with, the more you will attract that person. That means spending time visioning, scripting, and really claiming who she is, each and every day. 

2.Show up as YOU in your marketing efforts. 

I know, I know – this is one of those things that people hear all of the time. “Be YOU in your marketing.” But what does that actually mean?  

Stop researching and outsourcing your content.

Here’s what it means: stop researching what other people are doing in your industry. Stop looking at other people’s posts. Spend as little time on social media as possible so as not to be influenced by others. (I promise, you won’t miss out on your divinely guided opportunities. ) 

And then use the words she would actually use when talking about her concerns.

Speak and write your content from her perspective, not yours. This usually means not speaking in “modality speak”. For those of us that are healers, we tend to talk about the “how” of our healing process a lot. 

But your ideal client only wants to know that you can solve their problem or concern. So if she’s waking up and thinking, “Oh my God, I don’t know if I’ll ever have a successful business,” then your content should use those words, and not “Overcome Anxiety with Tapping”.

And of course, know that you can disregard all of this.

3.Create conversations. 

Start having conversations with potential clients. You don’t need to make this weird – just pretend you’re at a cocktail party, whether that’s an online cocktail party or an in-person networking event. My personal rule of thumb is this: if I think they’re cool, then I’ll say “Hey, let’s go get coffee.” It doesn’t have to be weird!

And if it’s an online conversation, that gets to be super normal, also. Sometimes you might be ready to invite them to a sales call (if they have expressed a need in your services in some way) OR it might be way too early for that, in which case, invite them to a next step with you – a virtual coffee, an invite to your FB group, an invite to a free webinar or freebie (sometimes called an opt-in). Whatever that next logical step is that you would be having in a “real” conversation. 

4.Create a really strong boundary around your sales conversations so that you are only getting on the phone with your ideal clients! 

I offer a (free) conversation every time I do any sort of public speaking or event. However, people have to go through my scheduler link in order to book that conversation, which already weeds out people who aren’t serious about working together. 

Then, they have to go a step further and answer the questions in a questionnaire, one of which is “On a scale of 1-10, how willing are you to invest to grow your business?” And so if someone answers with a “0” or even a “5”, then I don’t get on the phone with them. 

I know, that sounds absolutely mercenary. But y’all…you need those same boundaries. If someone isn’t willing to invest in working with you, why are you giving them an hour of your precious time?  

Money is just the energy of exchange that we have to use in our current economy. If someone doesn’t value your work ,then they don’t pay you. And vice versa. So you totally deserve to only be on the phone with people who value your work and are willing to pay you for it! 

Because here’s what will happen otherwise: you will end up getting on the phone with people that you have to “convince” , and that never, ever feels good. If they don’t have a genuine need for your services, then it’s not up to you to create that need for them. (Because that usually involves some sort of fear-based weirdness, and I know that I don’t want to do that!) 

Set expectations ahead of time:

Even if you choose not to go down the questionnaire route (or don’t always make people go through the questionnaire), you have to really make sure that you are setting clear expectations in your sales conversations.  That means that you are letting the prospective client know that this is a sales conversation at the beginning of the call. I usually say something like “We’re going to talk through X and Y and Z, and then we’ll also talk through some ways I can support you. Does that feel all right to you?” (We always want to double check and make sure that we have their buy-in – we are not here to convince people of anything!!) 

5. Ask for the sale! 

Okay, one big caveat here: you can’t offer your products or services until you’ve established a NEED for them from the other person. Usually, that looks something like this: you walk them through where they would love to be (their ideal world, if you could wave a magic wand and solve all their problems,etc.) and then you talk through their challenges in getting there. That’s it. We make this out to be way more complicated than it needs to be!  

The thing is – if someone doesn’t have a need for your services, then no matter if it’s even just $10, they aren’t going to buy. They need to know that you can solve their problem for them. 

6. Release any need to have a certain outcome. 

If you know anything about energy (or really, just about human nature) then you know that when you’re operating from that place of lack or need in the sales process, the person on the other end will pick up on that energy – and they’ll be repelled by it. Who wants to work with a coach who is needy? (Just like that dude at the bar, right?) So when you’re in the midst of the sales process with a potential client, step into the knowing that: 

You are already perfected and whole, even if they never buy from you. 

You are already amazing, even if you never have another client again.

Your work is sacred and powerful, and the right people are finding you. 

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