
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right?

I don’t know about you, but the holidays have whacked me upside the head this year.

December has been like this: Go to stuff at the kids’ school! Buy Christmas presents! Host my entire family at my house! Christmas cards! Christmas parties! Travel every weekend! Host a solstice celebration!  Oh, and make that big commitment to a three year training program.  Whoa.

But I still have to find time for my business, right?

Schedule more Meetups! Check. Write more blogs! Check. Send more emails! Check. Have more networking meetings! Check. Create an amazing new program for January for women entrepreneurs! Working on it…

So…all of that has left me with some massive headaches that laid me out, a husband who isn’t happy with me, and now a cold that has me sneezing as I write (don’t worry, it won’t come through your computer. But Google may be working on that…)

Which means it’s been a little hard to be focused on the big stuff, the big dreams. The purposeful, million dollar business + life.

Is this going on for you?

Have your big dreams been getting pushed around by the little stuff, the busyness of the holiday season?

It’s so easy to put off the big work.

We pay attention to the urgent (even though it’s usually not that urgent – do we really need our emails to ping us?), not the important.

But if we want to have it all – and I so hope that you do- then you’re going to have to do the big work.

Not the hard work that we traditionally think of, though.

We can’t use the push, push, push mentality that we’ve used to get us to where we already are.

The hard work looks more like this:

  • Allowing in work

  • Listening to our heart/inner voice/Spirit/Universe/God/Goddess work. (Aka “everyone else, including your spouse, thinks you’re crazy” work)

  • Loving-kindness work

  • Being present work

 Slow down. Listen in. Be here, not somewhere else. Give love. Forgive. Let go.

But so hard for most of us. After all, will we still be worthy if we’re not doing something?

Will we still be deserving enough if we aren’t killing it on all levels?

How do we do our big work, the work that brings us all that we most want in life, that makes us successful on any level, when all we want in this moment is a hot chocolate and a warm blanket and someone to tuck us in?  (Is that just me?)

Luckily for you, dear reader, this is my absolutely favorite topic.

And here are the practices that have helped me  – some have been with me for years, others are more recent additions, and I hope they help you.

Forgiveness work:

How do you know if you need to do any forgiveness work? Right now, is there something that someone did or said that’s bothering you? If you close your eyes, do you hear a conversation or see someone to whom you don’t feel entirely loving? Um, yeah. Time for tough forgiveness work.

Hearing your fears:

Listening in to fears, seeing them for what they are, accepting them, and then letting them go. (I’m making that all sound really easy, right?

This one needs more than two lines in a blog, I know! But that’s essentially the process.)

Ideal life/Visioning/Scripting:

the more you can imagine your most amazing life ever, the better.

Better yet, write it down. Something about writing wakes up our subconscious mind and allows for even more amazing stuff to pour out. And then, every time one of those fears rears its head, you can replace it with this vision.

Write down your overall goals every day:

Sort of the same as the above, but sometimes it helps to break down your big vision into smaller (in scope, not in importance) goals.

 As I was saying last week, try doing this in the form of a do/have/be/list – thanks to Denise of Get Rich, Lucky Bitch. This one has been very helpful for me.

life coach atlanta

Me, pre-cold. (No pictures for me today!)


Giving thanks for all that you already have. Some people do this via a gratitude journal, some as an in the moment practice.

Whatever way you do it, try to really sink into that feeling good feeling as you give thanks for your abundance.

Track every cent:

A new one for me! Tracking every cent that comes to me, even if it’s a penny on the ground, has been awesome.

The universe wants to know that we’re appreciative!

Sending love to yourself and others:

Yeah, here’s another one that sounds simple.

If you’re harboring any anger or frustration towards someone, it’s blocking your ability to bring in all of the amazing things that you do want in your life. (This is very similar to the forgiveness work.)

Lawrence Crane in the Abundance Book suggests imagining if you can feel the feeling of frustration around the person, and then let go it, just a little. And then a little bit more. Keep going until you no longer feel that anger or frustration.

And then send love to that other person, saying, “I love you.” And then a little bit more. And then a little bit more. (This is hard as shit. I know.)

Can you do this for yourself, too?

Let go of the disapproval for whatever you think you have done, a little bit, and then a little bit more? And then say, “I love you” to yourself?

Sounds crazy. Feels amazing.

That’s my current daily process.

And I go into all of these elements in depth with my No New Year’s Resolutions Program: The Smart Way to go after Prosperity and Enoughness in Your Life and Work.

It’s a step by step process for defining your purpose and then going after the blocks that are holding you back, plus giving you the manifesting tools that you need in order to manifest success – aka more money! (6 one on one sessions for $589 if you book by January 1. Just send me an email!)

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