
If you’re not yet a SBO and are still exploring, and/or you don’t live in Atlanta, these tips are actually applicable for anyone who struggles with networking. (Sorry for the confusion, but Google likes those kind of titles, and when Google likes it, then more people here in Atlanta find me, which means that I get to help more people through my work, yadda, yadda, yadda.)  Total honesty, people, total honesty.

The struggle is real:

Okay, back to networking. You’ve been hearing that phrase a lot lately, right? I heard it on the radio the other day and wondered if it had jumped the shark already. But people seem to like that phrase. We like to know that others are struggling with the same fears and concerns that we are.

I recently facilitated two workshops for small business owners and aspiring business owners. And one of the biggest take-away’s for the participants was just being able to share their fears and have them echoed by others.

It was a great reminder to me about the power of community in any group gathering. I had plans, hand-outs, and messages that I wanted to share (and did), and yet, the most empowering part for the participants was knowing that others understood what they were going through.

This always seems my biggest take-away, too, when I attend a conference or networking event. The subject matter of the speaker may not always stick with me, but I remember who I sat down next to and how much I liked them. I remember them telling me about the tools and tricks they use to stay motivated and focused. After all…no one understands the battle like someone who’s actually down there in the trenches with you.

Personal versus Professional?

And we’re all searching for that community, no matter what line of work that we’re in. So how do we build that community in the midst of our crazy lives? What does good networking for small businesses look like? How do we distinguish between business and personal time? How do we know who should be a client and who should be a partner, or who should just remain as a good friend?

The answer is: you don’t.

I have fairly fluid interactions with my own personal coaches (SEO, business, energy, emotional) and believe that they would all consider me both a client and a friend. I occasionally do freelance work for my mentors. I have friends who are clients, and clients who are friends (though I will say that generally speaking, I don’t coach my friends.)

Let personal and professional mix

What I mean here is that we don’t need to set up rigid boundaries on personal versus professional. That person you meet at the soccer game might just be your next referral. That mom you met at the playdate might sign up for your newsletter. You could host a dinner with friends plus potential clients. (You get my point.)

How do you find people to network with?

My personal ideas about networking have changed a lot in the last year. I’ve allowed myself to just be open to whomever I meet. To schedule coffees with people, regardless of whether I think they’ll be a client. To go to networking events, even when I won’t know anyone there.

But that means that you still have to put yourself out there. What things do you really enjoy doing? Don’t worry about whether they’re associated with your business or not – what interests do you have, where would you like to go on the weekends, what types of people do you want to be around?

The key is: don’t think of networking only as those networking events where everyone hands out business cards (like the speed dating of newtworking where everyone is trying to sell everyone else a product. YUCK.)

Try Meetup.com to find others with your interests, and if you’re in Atlanta, look into Women’s Professional Network and Atlanta Women’s Network (two very non-yucky groups). I also host a monthly Meetup for small business owners on various topics. This month’s “When Sh*& Falls Apart” was on conquering your personal fears and it was awesome!

Put it out there:

The key is speaking about what you’re doing, no matter where you are in the process. Even if you’re in an exploratory mode of your business (researching, sounding out potential clients, etc.), speak to others about where you are in the process and people you’d like to be talking to about it.

This is probably fear-inducing for many people, especially when you’re just starting out, but speak authentically. Tell people where you are – exploring, client aquistion, etc. People love hearing about someone who’s doing something different, I’ve found. And remember that everyone starts from somewhere.

It’s too daunting. I don’t have time. It’s scary.

I get it. I know. I have two kids and a full-time writing career as well as coaching and blogging (my husband always wants me to say that I’m also a wife. So, yes, there’s that,too. Evidently not a very good one!) And I’m also an extroverted introvert, so while I love being around people…an all day networking event is tough on my smile muscles.

But there are a few things that I tell myself now before any event I go to now, and yes, I’ll share them with you, my dear blogger peeps.

  1. Make two great connections. This has been one of the most freeing things for me; I don’t have to try to meet a million people, only two.
  2. I don’t have to sell anything. (I do like to mention how I help others, though.)
  3. It’s all about them. Asking the other person questions and having meaningful conversations about their interests and their needs is way more interesting, anyway.
  4. Be authentic. People don’t need me to be perfect or some other version of myself. (I’m awesome just the way I am, thank you.)

Still worried about best networking practices? Have a free session with me. We’ll get you the tools you need in order to work through your personal fears and speak about your business with confidence.

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