
The Law of Attraction isn’t about money specifically.

Law of Attraction simply says that like attracts like. So whatever kind of energy you offering out into the world, whether negative or positive, will Be returned to you.  You can test this for yourself – ever had one of those days that just “starts wrong” and then seems to quickly go downhill from there? When you’re having a bad day, and are putting out those “bad day” vibes, then yep, you’ll attract more bad day scenarios.

What if you could stop that negative doom spiral and instead create a spiral of positivity, and yes, money, in your life? All it takes is flipping your thoughts from negativity and woe to thoughts of those of abundance, prosperity, and gratitude.

Here’s the thing – you don’t have to turn into Positive Pollyanna and try to make sure that all of your thoughts are always positive. In fact, tamping down your “negative” emotions and thoughts will only lead to dis-ease and more problems. Instead, we’re simply looking for the “next better thought” – one that feels just slightly better than the thought you were having just a moment ago.

For instance, if you’re feeling like the weight of your debts and payments is kind of heavy right now, you don’t have to jump to singing the Lego movie song “Everything is Awesome” in order to turn things around. You can simply start choosing a thought that feels slightly better – something like “I am working towards paying off my debts.”

And, at the same time, we really want to notice what those particular “negative” thoughts are that are swimming around in your subconscious mind. Because if you don’t believe, on a subconscious level, that it’s possible for you to have the abundance you would like to see in your life or business, then you won’t ever achieve it.

How your subconscious impacts your income:

I’m a big fan of truly looking into what your subconscious is really saying to you in order to discover your personal patterns of self-sabotage (we all have them, no shame here!!!). And you can discover what’s in your subconscious by journaling out what’s going through your head and perhaps asking yourself a few questions. In terms of abundance, here are a few to get you started:

  • If I were to truly fail at this thing, that would mean…
  • In order to be deserving of this big thing (or income level or number of clients) that would mean…
  • The person who has (whatever the thing is) is different from me in these ways…

These sound simple, but journaling out your subconscious fears and blocks is one of the best ways to be able to see what’s been holding you back from that next level.

And when we do that, and utilize the tools below on a daily basis, then I promise that you will begin to attract even more money and flow and joy and ease into your life.

Utilize your imagination to harness the power of the Law of Attraction:

One of the best tools for stepping into the space of having what you want is by utilizing your imagination. Yep, simply picturing what you DO want, over and over again (instead of worrying about things that you don’t want) is the most powerful tool you have in your arsenal. The key here is to really add feeling – you want to imagine that you already have that thing (income, clients, experiences, etc.) and are so excited/joyful/delighted that it’s already here for you.

Tool #1 for manifesting more clients and income: Visioning

Keep imagining, over and over, how you will feel when the thing that you want in your life (perhaps a paid off credit card or the full bank account or the new amazing office space for your work – whatever it is that truly lights you up and fires you up, picture it over and over in your mind until you can feel the excitement of it. Even picture yourself (or someone else) expressing that excitement or joy for you. For instance, as I was visioning in my new office space (that I now have!), I would see friends walking in the door and saying “Wow, this space is all yours? It’s so beautiful. How exciting for you.” (And a friend not only said that, but then wanted to become a subtenant of the new space.)

Tool #2 for manifesting more clients and income: Scripting:

Now we’ll utilize the power of imagining, only this time writing it down. Write down, in as much detail as possible, exactly what you want, unfolding in exactly the way you would like it to unfold. For instance, if your dream is to pay off your credit cards, see yourself actually hitting “pay” on your computer (most of us pay our bills online now), or see a zero dollar balance on your credit card.

If you are asking for more money to come in your business, then you might choose to see your happy and aligned clients coming in the door, handing over their credit card, ready to pay you with joy and ease. And then write it down with all of the emotion that you can – feeling the feeling of how good it will feel when these things are already happening.

The great part about scripting is that it really does make your dreams a reality – you get to

One note to both visioning and scripting: you want to make sure that you are staying in the present tense. Imagine the thing as being here already, not at some future date. We don’t want to tell the universe that it’s okay to push out our beautiful reality – this is already here for us, right now, and we simply want to allow it into our current existence.

Utilizing gratitude to attract more money: 

Yeah, yeah. You’ve heard it before. But gratitude is SOOOOO important to manifesting what you want in your life, including money. It’s impossible to be angry or negative when you’re feeling thankful for all that you have in your life and all that’s coming to you. Yes (maybe especially) when it feels like you don’t have enough money right now.

This is where we truly have to imagine a different outcome for ourselves – even when the outside world is telling us that there is a negative bank balance or no clients cming thorugh the door. After all, there is more than enough money and clients in the world – we simply have to believe that it’s possible for us.

Tool #4 for manifesting clients and income: Gratitude Stack

Write down a list of all of the many (real) things that you’re grateful for right now, and then also include in a few things that you’d like to be grateful for very soon. (Aka, the new car, the new house, the flush bank account, more amazing soul-mate clients, etc.) . So your list might look something like this: (Yes, this was my real list yesterday!)

I am so thankful for…

  • My Ugg slippers that keep me warm
  • The jacket I’m wearing
  • My upcoming trip to Europe
  • My 2 amazing new soul mate clients that just found me out of the blue
  • My car insurance
  • My doggie
  • My beautiful new notebook with the butterflies on it
  • Spring weather and red bud trees

Gratitude stacking can be done in writing or simply by thinking thoughts of gratitude. Whenever you’re feeling like you’re in a down spot, you can start to really be thankful for all that’s around you, and that will instantly start to utilize the Law of Attraction to attract MORE of what you want to you.

If you’re consistently utilizing even just ONE of these tools on a daily basis, your life and income will absolutely change.

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