
Oh, yes, Christmas isn’t even here yet and we’re already thinking of everything that we’re going to be doing as soon as January 1 comes around. We’ll be thinner! Yay! We’ll be more organized! Yes, me! We’ll resolve to have more money and know our purpose in life!

All of these will come to us, just by merely setting those New Year’s Resolutions.

The trouble is, New Year’s Resolutions don’t work. (Yes, that’s been proven.) Sure, you might resolve to go to the gym every day, but then, by week two, getting up in the early, cold morning just doesn’t seem so appealing anymore.

Why is that? We know we want things to change, and we honestly resolve to change them. But then somehow, they seem to fall apart on us.

Because change is hard work.

And setting down your intentions one time (did you write them down?) won’t cut through the years and years of fears, stories, and just flat-out lies that we have told ourselves about why we don’t deserve that amazing life we’ve dreamt of.

You already know that I’m a big proponent of the start now approach. If you do want things to change, you are going to have to start before you’re ready. Start before the new year.

But how do we do that?

I’m taking some advice and diligently doing the exercises from a new fab book I’ve been reading called Get Rich, Lucky Bitch. (I don’t exactly like the idea of calling women bitches, but she’s British, so I’m giving her a pass.)

Here are four really concrete ways to start manifesting all that you want in your amazing life, right now.

Even before Christmas. (Yes, I summarized them for you – but you should still read the book!)

  1. Write your goals down each and every day. Yep, they might be the same each day, but the real ones, the ones that you truly want, will come up repeatedly. Try doing this in the form of a Do, Have, and Be list – really, just fill in the blank for all that you want to do, have, and be.
  2. If you are working on abundance goals, then track your money intake daily. Every cent (literally) that comes in, write it down. Know that you are a money manifester.
  3. Clear your own stuff out, again and again. This means really examining all of your fears around why you can’t have what you want. For instance, if it is “I want to make $170,000 next year”, really look into the negative consequences if that actually happened. You might find that if it happened, you would feel like you had to support your family. Or that people around you might think you’re a bitch. Or that your husband would be emasculated by your higher earnings. Really dig down deep – even if you say you want it, if it’s not currently there for you, then you are the one holding you back. Lovingly embrace your fears and your not-enoughness. What old stories have you held onto that encourage you to think you don’t deserve certain aspects of your life to be wonderful and amazing? Once you see them, can you say “Even with this fear, I lovingly embrace and love myself?”
  4. Gratitude. So important. Practice gratitude for all that you have, already. Because that’s when the universe starts showing up to give you more.

And I realize this all sounds really simplistic, but this is the work. This is the hard stuff, day after day, of going after all of the bigness of life.

So where can you move forward, today, towards those big and beautiful goals? What is the inspired action that you’d like to take today?

And if you struggle with this, I’m offering a package deal for six one on one sessions with me for $589:

No New Year’s Resolutions: The Smart Way to go after Prosperity and Enoughness in Your Life and Work.

This work isn’t for everyone, but if you are ready to shed your fears and claim your big, bold, beautiful life and work, let me know. Must be booked by January 1st to receive this pricing.

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